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About Dalbergia Vida

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Dalbergia Vida gathers the pieces for this collection from a local Nazareth, PA guitar manufacturer who sources exotic woods from all over the world in the creation of their guitars. 

During the production of a guitar, the full cut of these woods is not utilized. These unused pieces are collected and turned into One-of-a-kind art pieces that capture the uniqueness and absolute beauty of each grain and color. 

What one would call refuse, we call these "rescued", not wanting any piece of this responsibly sourced exotic wood to go to waste.

Additionally used in our art are prints of wood grain from the Cocobolo wood. This wood is so full of oils that it needs to be wrapped in paper before being pressed for the sides of the guitar. This way the oil does not spill onto the machine itself and burn. After the heating and bending of the wood, that paper is collected and imprinted onto it is a stunning pattern of the actual wood grain left behind by the oils.

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